Saturday, December 26, 2009

Thank You!!!

These are for you Mom & Dad and Nana & Popou! Connor loves to make food!

Here he is helping to put together the kitchen...he thought he needed the drill.

Connor wouldn't wear the Chef's hat, so Uncle Keith did!
We tried to put it on him again, but it didn't work!

Scott having fun putting it together! :)

These two pictures are out of order...he is putting together the barbecue here and above he finished!

Thank you so much for the kitchen! Connor loves it! We haven't gotten the video to work yet, but we are still trying! We love you!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We didn't mail too many cards out this year, but we did want to make sure to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas is Soon!!!

We can hardly wait until Christmas! Connor is so excited for Santa to come and he can't stop dreaming of GeoTrax yellow choo-choos! This is the first year he understands about Santa, which is making it a lot more fun for everyone! We have a few presents under the tree from my parents and my aunt and uncle and he carries them around and takes the bows off and tries to convince us that he needs to open them right now!

We have went looking at Christmas lights probably 5 times so far and we went to Winterhaven, which is a neighborhood here in Tucson that is all decorated with lights. Santa and Mrs. Claus were there...they were really good ones too! We have had a fun holiday season so far and can't wait to celebrate some more!

Here are a few pics of our little pirate at Halloween that I never posted:

He was not happy to have his costume....I actually had to be a mean mom and make him put it on!
Here he is after trick or treating happy that he got candy!

So happy to be out of his costume....he stripped as soon as we got in the door and ran to eat his candy!

For Thanksgiving we went to my grandparents house. We had a great time riding horses and our friends, the Jarvis' came to have fun on Friday too!

Connor and his thanksgiving turkeys we made for family home evening.

Connor loves Jeeps and thought it was really cool that Grandma Walters had a Jeep and took him four wheeling in it and went fast!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Pumpkin Carving

We haven't carved pumpkins for a few years, but we decided to this year. Connor was excited to get pumpkins, he didn't understand what we were going to do with them, but still liked them. Scott and I carved them and he was bored, but really liked the final product! Here are our pumpkins!

Fall Hay Ride

We started off the Halloween fun with a hay ride at our ward's Halloween Party! We decided to go kind of last minute, but it was fun. We told Connor he had to put jeans on and that we were going to go on a hay ride. He had no idea what that was but he was very excited for the hay ride and kept talking about his jeans. This boy is truly an Arizona boy...he hasn't worn jeans for well over 6 months and thought they were pretty cool! The tractor that they used was really neat and Connor thought that was probably the best thing. Here are some pics from that:

They had an old wagon...Connor loved playing on it!

Connor showing us the big red tractor!
Looking at the big wheel!

Connor must have enjoyed himself because he was talking about the hay ride all weekend. He is really getting to be more fun around the holidays because he gets more excited!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I love this kit...

and it is being given away here:

Check it out! It is just my style for Halloween!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

So Bad At Blogging!

So, I know, I am so bad at blogging. I really don't know how many people actually look at my blog. So, here's the deal...if I am actually going to keep blogging, then I need you to leave comments, otherwise, it just isn't worth it to me to keep this up. So there's that!

We've had a fun and busy summer. We went to San Diego at the end of June and loved it! In July we did swim lessons...Connor loved them at the end! In August we went to Washington for my brother's wedding. In September we went to Washington again for my sister's wedding! Not long after I got home, it was my birthday, which was great! Now, here we are! I promise to post more pics of our trips and summer...really I do! But for now, this is why I have been so bad at blogging...

In case you don't know what that means...

Connor is going to get a baby brother in March!!! We are excited and I am tired! :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Washington Trip

I know it's been a while again, but we have been really busy around here!  March 25 - April 8 Connor and I got to go home to Washington!  We had so much fun with family.  He really loved playing with my cousins and I think they loved him too!  I have a ton of pics, so bear with me here!

This is my Popou showing Connor how to play the drums.  My Popou is a good drummer and Connor loved it!
Here is Connor with my dad on the back porch.  Connor never wanted to come inside.  He didn't care if it was freezing cold, raining or snowing!  Connor was helping my dad barbecue!
So these next 3 pics are a little out of order and for some reason they wouldn't cooperate so we could get them arranged, but his is my Popou again.  We had a surprise early 70th birthday for him and he got a new car...a VW bug that is fully loaded.  It is super nice and I am a little jealous actually...I think I want one now!  He was so surprised and happy.  Everyone was there...his kids, all of his grandkids and his great grand child too.  I think it was a very Happy day for him!
We blindfolded him to take him out to the car!
Oh, and the skeleton, that is a joke we have...we say it's my Nanny because she was so skinny.  So, of course, Nanny had to come to the party too!  We all signed a big sign for him... that is what is on front of the car.
Here is Connor doing one of his favorite things...watching the big Choo Choos (tractors) building the houses and moving the dirt out of my parents front window.
Connor playing choo choos.
We went sledding and played in the even snowed some more while we were there.

Here is the Wenatchee Valley...our home!  This is taken from the Rocky Reach Dam.
The fish ladder...Connor thought it was cool.

I have some more pics that I will hopefully be back with soon!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Connor!

Connor's birthday theme this year was a sports party.  I borrowed some cute baseball stuff from Cara ( this post is for you by the better be happy I'm posting this!  :)) and I had Soccer ball invited ( I got them on a great deal at Target) and we had his new soccer net and ball set up from Yaya and Oso and his new T-ball and his basketball and tons of balls out for the kids to play with.  We gave the kids bouncy balls and whistles that were either soccer balls, baseballs or basketballs.  Connor also wore his super cute Nike baseball outfit.  He even had a baseball cake that I think turned out pretty cute!  And we ate hotdogs, because that is what you have a sporting events, duh!

Here is Connor blowing out the was a little windy, so the wind kinda helped!  We got some cool crazy swirled candles too.

Here is a close up of the cake before we blew out the candles.

Here I am opening the presents because Connor didn't want to help...the other kids were practically pushing me over to help though!  He had Cole and Stella Jarvis, Soren Logsdon, Grace Hobson, and Jill (our neighbor's) neices there....quite the little group!

We opened this present first and he didn't want anything to do with the other presents.  He tried to open it outside and I told him we could do it inside later, so he went inside and wouldn't come back out.  We finally drug him out screaming after the present were all opened.

This is on Sunday...his actual birthday opening our presents. (btw, I don't know why it is all underlined now and keeps changing colors....i can't get it to go away!)  But, he is actually having fun opening his first present, which is a Thomas the train case for his take along cars.

Here he is opening the station that he got.....

This is Sunday night....we let him blow out the candles on his cake again.  We didn't eat the cake on Saturday because we had plenty of cupcakes!  Connor had so much fun blowing out the candles that we probably lit them at least 10 times!  We lit them so much that the candles all melted!  He likes to eat the frosting....I made it too!  It was good!

Happy Birthday CJ!  I love you so much and can't believe that 2 years ago you were sent to us! You really do bring so much joy and love to our home!  I love being your mommy and think that you are the best big boy ever!

It's been a long, long time!

I have started to write posts quite a few times and then ran out of time to finish....I think I actually have like 4 posts saved that I never published!  It has been a long time, I know!  We had my birthday, halloween, thanksgiving, christmas, new years, valentine's day and lots of other little things and adventures since my last post.  But, rather than try to cover all of that in this one post, I am going to do a series of posts and start with the most recent event, which was Connor's 2nd birthday party!  Yep, my baby is 2!