Saturday, December 26, 2009

Thank You!!!

These are for you Mom & Dad and Nana & Popou! Connor loves to make food!

Here he is helping to put together the kitchen...he thought he needed the drill.

Connor wouldn't wear the Chef's hat, so Uncle Keith did!
We tried to put it on him again, but it didn't work!

Scott having fun putting it together! :)

These two pictures are out of order...he is putting together the barbecue here and above he finished!

Thank you so much for the kitchen! Connor loves it! We haven't gotten the video to work yet, but we are still trying! We love you!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We didn't mail too many cards out this year, but we did want to make sure to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas is Soon!!!

We can hardly wait until Christmas! Connor is so excited for Santa to come and he can't stop dreaming of GeoTrax yellow choo-choos! This is the first year he understands about Santa, which is making it a lot more fun for everyone! We have a few presents under the tree from my parents and my aunt and uncle and he carries them around and takes the bows off and tries to convince us that he needs to open them right now!

We have went looking at Christmas lights probably 5 times so far and we went to Winterhaven, which is a neighborhood here in Tucson that is all decorated with lights. Santa and Mrs. Claus were there...they were really good ones too! We have had a fun holiday season so far and can't wait to celebrate some more!

Here are a few pics of our little pirate at Halloween that I never posted:

He was not happy to have his costume....I actually had to be a mean mom and make him put it on!
Here he is after trick or treating happy that he got candy!

So happy to be out of his costume....he stripped as soon as we got in the door and ran to eat his candy!

For Thanksgiving we went to my grandparents house. We had a great time riding horses and our friends, the Jarvis' came to have fun on Friday too!

Connor and his thanksgiving turkeys we made for family home evening.

Connor loves Jeeps and thought it was really cool that Grandma Walters had a Jeep and took him four wheeling in it and went fast!